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Advances in Data Science 2020

The Institute for Data Science and AI’s 4th annual conference took place online on Tuesday 23rd June. 11 leading international data scientists from industry and academia presented recent developments in data science, with talks ranging from application-focussed to advanced data science methodologies. Thanks to IDSAI’s strong and productive relationship with event sponsor The Alan Turing Institute, this first virtual instalment of the annual conference was a great success. Over 500 participants gathered to stream the day-long event.

Recordings of the talks are now available below.

10:00- 10:10 Welcome Magnus Rattray, University of Manchester Institute for Data Science and AI 

10:10- 10:30 Interpretability in Natural Language Processing, Ivan Titov, University of Edinburgh and University of Amsterdam 

10:35- 10:55 Creating time sensitive sensors from language and heterogeneous content, Maria Liakata, Queen Mary University of London 

11.00- 11.20 Intelligent data linkage and distributed semantics for (big) data interpretation, Sabina Leonelli, University of Exeter 

11:25 Coffee break 

11:40- 12.00 Data analysis with humans, Samuel Kaski, Aalto University and University of Manchester 

12:05- 12.25 Algorithmic recourse: from counterfactual explanations to interventions, Isabel Valera, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems 

12.30 Lunch break 

13.30- 13.50 Multi-frame super-resolution by recursive fusion: HighRes-net, the tech and beyond, Freddie Kalaitzis, Element AI 


13.55- 14.15 Learning robot skills from data, Jan Peters, TU Darmstadt 

14.20- 14.40 Can randomness in stochastic gradient descent provide privacy?, Stephanie Hyland, ETH Zurich 

14.45 Coffee break 

15.25- 15.45 Climate Informatics: Machine Learning for the Study of Climate Change, Claire Monteleoni, University of Colorado Boulder 

15.50- 16.20 Panel Discussion 

16.20 Closing Remarks